Association for Molecular Pathologists (AMP)
The Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) provides structure and leadership to the emerging field of molecular diagnostics. AMP is the primary resource for expertise, education, and collaboration in one of the fastest growing fields in healthcare. AMP members influence policy and regulation on the national and international levels, ultimately serving to advance innovation in the field and protect patient access to high quality, appropriate testing.
Canadian Association of Pathologists (Association canadienne des pathologistes) (CAP-ACP)
The Canadian Association of Pathologists (Association canadienne des pathologistes), a voluntary professional organization, advances the interests of our profession and promotes high quality standards for patient care by providing national leadership and promoting excellence in pathology and laboratory medicine practice, education and research.

Canadian Biomarker Quality Assurance – Programme Canadien d’assurance de la qualité des biomarqueurs (CBQA-PCAB)
CBQA is a Canadian-based international quality assurance program for biomarker testing. CBQA is focused on proficiency testing for laboratory protocols and biomarker readout. CBQA.CA is an academic program, which explores innovative approaches to PT for diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers.

Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network (3CTN)
The Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network (3CTN) is a pan-Canadian initiative to improve recruitment and the efficiency and quality of academic clinical trials in Canada.
Learn about how academic cancer clinical trials can help you as a patient and access resources for 3CTN Patient representatives. Access the Patient Partner Learning Annex here

Canadian College of Medical Geneticists (CCMG)
The Canadian College of Medical Geneticists (CCMG) is a national Canadian organization that serves its members, governments and the public by certifying individuals, establishing the professional and ethical standards of medical genetics services and training, informing policy and providing professional and public education.

Cancer Care Ontario (CCO)
Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) is the Ontario government’s advisor on the cancer and renal systems, as well as on access to care key health services, CCO drives continuous improvement in disease prevention and screening, the delivery of care and the patient experience for chronic diseases.

The Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG)
The Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG) is an academic cooperative oncology group that designs and conducts clinical trials testing cancer therapy, supportive care and prevention interventions across Canada. It is one of the national programs and networks of the Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI), and is supported by the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS).

My CancerIQ
Designed by Cancer Care Ontario (CCO), My CancerIQ is a website that helps you understand your risk for cancer and what you can do to help lower that risk. The My CancerIQ site also contains an About Cancer Risk section with general information on risk factors and cancer prevention.

Ontario Association of Pathologists (OAP)
The Ontario Association of Pathologists (OAP) represents the interests of patients, the public and pathologists by fostering excellence in the practice of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in Ontario.

The Ontario Clinical Oncology Group (OCOG)
The Ontario Clinical Oncology Group (OCOG), is an academic-based clinical trials development and coordination organization. It works with network of local, provincial, national and international clinician investigators, OCOG, through clinical research, addresses clinically relevant questions.

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